Fighting desease

  • It is very important to highlight, that wheatgrass is not medicine. It is good for everyone and there are no harmful side effects to it. It has a wide range of positive effects on the overall operation of the body through its active ingredients. For the best results when curing serious illnesses a healthy diet and considerate lifestyle has to be implemented. Stress must be avoided and resting is a must. Have to cleans and rejuvenate the body and wheatgrass can be a great help to do so.
  • A strong immune system prevents and fights illnesses easier.
  • Chlorophyll, an active component in wheatgrass inhibits the metabolic activity of carcinogens. It also helps to increase the number of red blood cells therefore helps the treatment of anaemia.
  • Selenium and laetrile (Vitamin B17) present in wheatgrass have anti-cancer properties thereby helps fighting desease.
  • Wheatgrass contains at least 13 vitamins (several of which are antioxidants) including B12, abscisic acid, which is proven to destroy all cancerous cells.
  • A glycoprotein also present in wheatgrass stimulates the renewal of RNA and DNA. It is also thought to protect the body from the attack of cancer cells by making the walls of cancer cells more open to attack by white blood cells.


Ann Wigmore natural healer and Viktoras Kulvinskas nutritionist, early pioneers in the use of wheatgrass juice and living foods were healing patients already decades ago – even cancer patients!

To read more information on fighting illnesses with the help of wheatgrass visit the following pages:


  • Functional Foods in Health and Disease 2011, 1(11):444-456 Page 444 of 456, Living life the natural way – Wheatgrass and Health by Satyavati Rana, Jaspreet Kaur Kamboj and Vandana Gandhi
  • Therapeutic Potential of Organic Triticum aestivum Linn. (Wheat Grass) in Prevention and Treatment of Chronic Diseases: An Overview by Singh*, P. Verma and B. R. Pandey
  • A study on wheat grass and its Nutritional value by Rajesh Mujoriya

Personal experience: My dad – cancer and wheatgrass